Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand

Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand

Drafting a prenuptial agreement in Thailand is an important legal document to consider. It will help to prevent unjustified claims by your spouse in the event of a divorce. The document also protects your assets in the event of a divorce. However, it is important to consult with an experienced lawyer for drafting the document. […]

Filing of Divorce in Thailand

Divorce is a complex and emotionally challenging process that involves legal, financial, and personal considerations. In Thailand, the divorce process varies depending on whether it is a mutual or contested divorce. Understanding the legal framework, requirements, and procedures for divorce in Thailand is crucial for those seeking to dissolve their marriage. This guide provides a […]

Child Legitimation in Thailand

Although Thai law states that children are solely the offspring of their mothers, fathers can pursue child legitimation through marriage or court action. This allows them to acquire custody and other parental rights, reduce societal stigma, and provide financial security. A lawyer with experience in family law can help guide clients through the process of […]

Child Support in Thailand

Child support is an important aspect of Thai family law that ensures children receive financial assistance from both parents. It can be settled through mutual agreement or by court order. The money should cover the child’s expenses, such as food and shelter, but cannot be used for the parent’s personal benefit. Legitimation In Thailand, fathers […]

Child Custody in Thailand

Custody of children is an important issue for parents who divorce or split up. Child custody Thailand can be determined by agreement or by court order. Clause 1546 of the Civil and Commercial Code dictates that a father has no rights over his child if he is not married to the mother. However he can […]

Buying Property in Thailand

Generally speaking, foreigners are not allowed to buy land in Thailand. Instead, they typically opt to purchase a condominium or apartment. A good property lawyer is essential to the buying process. This professional will ensure all legal requirements are met and protect your investments. They will also help with negotiating and drafting leasehold or freehold […]

Civil and Criminal Cases in Thailand

The judicial system in Thailand is a three-tier system that includes Courts of First Instance, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court. It does not utilise juries. Civil actions include labor disputes Thailand, business issues, and property matters. In some cases, courts may require mediation before proceeding to trial. In the case of criminal […]

Dispute Resolution in Thailand

The Thai judicial system operates under a balanced mechanism that is accessible and efficient. Thailand Dispute resolution processes are also well established, including mediation. In some Courts of First Instance, such as the Labor Court, and in general civil cases, mediation is compulsory before witness hearings. However, it can take years to resolve disputes in […]

Trade Disputes in Thailand

Trade disputes can arise from a number of different issues related to commercial transactions and international trade regulations. This article explores the legal framework, common types of disputes, and resolution mechanisms for trade disputes in Thailand. The Philippines argued that Thailand’s ad valorem excise tax, health tax, and TV tax on domestic cigarettes violated its […]

Labor Disputes in Thailand

Upholding the legal principles enshrined in Thai labor laws promotes fair employment practices that benefit both parties. Modifications to employment contracts must be mutually agreed upon, and employees have the right to join trade unions. Disputes can be resolved through mediation, arbitration, or the Labor Courts. It is important for businesses to familiarize themselves with […]